Zefon Pump

Air Sampling Pump - Zefon Diaphragm ZTHV01

This cost effective and maintenance free pulsating diaphragm pump will operate efficiently with mold, PCM and TEM cassettes. It's lightweight and easy to use. The Diaphragm Sampling Pump is designed for continuous draw. It has an adjustable regulator with a lock ring.
  • $229.00

Zefon Diaphragm Air Sampling Pump

This cost effective and maintenance free pulsating diaphragm pump will operate efficiently with mold, PCM and TEM cassettes. It's lightweight and easy to use. The Diaphragm Sampling Pump is designed for continuous draw. It has an adjustable regulator with a lock ring.

Zefon 23 stroke high volume diaphragm area sampling pumps are economical workhorses suitable for use with asbestos PCM and TEM cassettes, carpet sampling cassettes and Air-O-Cell IAQ sampling cassettes. Flow range of 3 to 14LPM.
Each pump comes with a locking flow control valve, hose barb, 10' tubing and on/off switch.
Zefon International Item # ZTHV01

Zefon Diaphragm Air Sampling Pump Kits Available:

ZTHV01 includes (1) Zefon High Volume Diaphragm Sampling Pump, 120V

ZTHV01-KIT includes (2) Zefon High Volume Diaphragm Sampling Pumps, 120V, stands, tubing, and case

    • SKU
    • Weight
      10 lbs
  • Manufacturer
  • Choose Item
    ZTHV Sampling Pump - 120V, ZTHV 2 Pump Kit -120V

Product questions

  • Robert Plum
    07/31/2023, 01:20 PM

    What is the distance the pump will pull air. I need to pull an air sample from 900 ft away using a 1/4 inch hose.

    08/02/2023, 09:15 AM

    We don’t have any studies indicating this pump is capable of performing with a tube length such as this. I would assume this would strain the pump.

  • Mike
    11/15/2022, 03:39 PM

    How many watts does this use? I’m looking at generators to run three at a

    11/16/2022, 01:57 PM

    I just received an answer and it is 93.2 watts

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