Protimeter Environmental Logger with Blue Tooth

Protimeter Environmental Logger with Blue Tooth

SKU: BLD2025
SKU# - BLD2025

Log environmental data with the Protimeter BLE with bluetooth.

    • 22% less
    Market price:$107.00 save $23.01
  • $83.99

Protimeter's Environmental Logger with Bluetooth BLE is a compact device that measures and logs Relative Humidity, Temperature, and Moisture Content in building materials. 

Logging up to 1,000 readings in each logger you have the ability to monitor long and short term potential moisture, temperature, and humidity issues.

Protimeter BLE Environmental Conditions Logger Benefits:

  • Long and short-term monitoring of a building’s moisture health
  • Early warning of potential mold problems
  • Monitor environmental conditions over the long-term to help protect buildings of artifacts
  • Simple Bluetooth pairing and setup
  • Multiple settings for logging and interval setting
  • Measure moisture content in a range of building materials, including wood and drywall
  • No monthly fees

Protimeter BLE Environmental Conditions Logger Features:

  • Precise measurements of relative humidity and temperature
  • Measure moisture content of wood and WME (Wood Moisture Equivalent) in other materials
  • Data logs up to 1,000 readings
  • IOS and Android app available for free download
  • Replaceable battery
  • IP65 environmental protection

Buy Individually or Purchase a 20 Pack For Special Pricing

    • SKU
    • Weight
      1 lbs
    • Dimensions (L x W x H)
      8 x 6 x 4 in
  • SKU
  • Manufacturer
  • Dimensions
    8 x 6 x 4 in.
  • Shipping Weight
    0.45 lbs.
  • Individual Or Case Quantity
    Individual, 20 Pack

Product questions

  • Daniel
    06/21/2023, 01:39 PM

    for drywall how far is it able to detect moisture, for example. once installed i can cover 2 feet high and 8 feet wide. how far is it capable of detcting moisture?

    06/21/2023, 01:48 PM

    It is only able to detect moisture at the point of contact.

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