VPE Ultrasonic Leak Detector Pro Kit

VPE Ultrasonic Leak Detector Pro Kit

SKU# - VPE-Pro

The AccuTrak® VPE Professional Kit is designed for technicians who work in noisy places, or who regularly need to find smaller leaks.  The VPE Professional Kit includes all the great features of our VPE Standard Kit upgraded with professional Noise Cancelling Headphones, a convenient Belt Pack, and a larger case to keep everything together.  These high quality headphones eliminate all background noise, allowing a technician to effectively find the smallest leaks – even in very loud environments.

  • $769.99
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VPE Ultrasonic Leak Detector - Pro Kit

The Patented Superior AccuTrak® VPE is a state-of-the-art non-invasive leak detector that can detect both pressure and vacuum leaks of ANY GAS. The AccuTrak® VPE is ideal for pinpointing leaks in air conditioning, refrigeration, automotive and other systems. AccuTrak® is extremely sensitive to the ultrasonic sound of a turbulent gas leak. Using a technology called "heterodyning" it translates the sound to a lower frequency which your ear can interpret. AccuTrak maintains the original sound characteristics making it possible to distinguish leaks from other competing background sounds. AccuTrak is so sensitive you can actually hear the blink of an eye, yet most background noise will not interfere with detection accuracy.

The AccuTrak® VPE Professional Kit is designed for technicians who work in noisy places, or who regularly need to find smaller leaks. The VPE Professional Kit includes all the great features of our VPE Standard Kit upgraded with professional Noise Cancelling Headphones, a convenient Belt Pack, and a larger case to keep everything together.  These high quality headphones eliminate all background noise, allowing a technician to effectively find the smallest leaks – even in very loud environments.

Gooseneck Detector Upgrade Available

Gooseneck Configuration: allows operator to get accurate readings in hard to reach places.


  • Leak Detection: Air, Vacuum, Refrigerants; ANY GAS!
  • Steam Traps: Detect live steam loss in seconds!
  • Valves: Detect/hear internal leakage in check, ball, needle, gate or any type of valve! Diagnose thermal expansion valves in just five minutes!
  • Bearing Wear: wear and lubrication problems before damage is done!


Audio Output: 0 Hz to 4 kHz Natural Sound conversion allows you to Hear the Leak, and distinguish leaks from mechanical or other background ultrasound.
Visual Output: 10 element bar graph provides quick and intuitive visual indication to presence of and relative strength of ultrasound.
Adjustable Sensitivity: allows operator to quickly identify leaks from a distance, and then zero in on the exact location of the leak.


  1. Capable of detecting a 5 psi leak out of a 0.005" (5/1000 inch) hole, 20 to 30 feet away depending on background noise.
  2. Easily detects any gas that generates ultrasonic sound during flow – including vacuum leaks.
  3. Capable of detecting leaks equivalent to 1.5 oz/year of Refrigerant.
  4. Works equally well for compressed Air or Nitrogen.
  5. Not affected by wind or high concentrations of leaked gas or refrigerant.

Kit Includes:

VPE Leak Detector
Touch Probe
Noise Blocking Headphones
Large Carry Case
Canvas Belt Pack

    • SKU
      VPE Pro
    • Weight
      6 lbs
  • Manufacturer
    Superior Signal Company
  • Leak Detection:
    Air, Vacuum, Refrigerants; ANY GAS!
  • Steam Traps:
    Detect live steam loss in seconds!
  • Valves:
    Detect/hear internal leakage in check, ball, needle, gate or any type of valve! Diagnose thermal expansion valves in just five minutes!
  • Audio Output
    0 Hz to 4 kHz Natural Sound conversion allows you to Hear the Leak, and distinguish leaks from mechanical or other background ultrasound.
  • Visual Output:
    10 element bar graph provides quick and intuitive visual indication to presence of and relative strength of ultrasound.
  • Adjustable Sensitivity:
    allows operator to quickly identify leaks from a distance, and then zero in on the exact location of the leak.
  • Kit Includes:
    VPE Leak Detector
    Touch Probe
    Noise Blocking Headphones
    Large Carry Case
    Canvas Belt Pack
  • Select Kit
    VPE Professional Kit, VPE Gooseneck Professional Kit
  • Noise Blocking Headphones
    Standard Headphones, Hardhat Headphones

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